OpenTelemetry Resource

A Resource captures information about the entity that produced a telemetry event. This information is added as attributes to the telemetry event to provide context about the event’s source, such as the entity name, version, deployment environment, and more.

Learn more about resources in the OpenTelemetry specification.

Default Attributes

By default, Arconia automatically creates a Resource instance with the following attributes:

  • The name of the application as defined in the arconia.otel.resource.service-name property, arconia.otel.resource.attributes, or If none of these properties are set, the default value is unknown_service:java.

  • service.namespace. The namespace of the application as defined in the arconia.otel.resource.attributes property or If none of these properties are set, no value is added.

  • service.version. The version of the application resolved from the artifact at build time. If not set, no value is added.

  • A unique identifier for the application instance as defined in the arconia.otel.resource.attributes property. If not set, the default value is a random UUIDv4.

  • The name of the web engine. It’s always Spring Boot.

  • webengine.version. The version of the web engine in use.

  • webengine.description. Additional description of the web engine.

Configuration Properties

You can add new attributes or override the default values via configuration properties.

      service-name: my-service
        service.namespace: my-namespace
        cluster: production-3

You can also control whether certain attributes should be added or disabled altogether via configuration properties.

      enable: false
        webengine.description: false

The all special key can be used to enable or disable all attributes at once via configuration properties.

        all: false

OpenTelemetry Environment Variables

Arconia supports the OpenTelemetry Environment Variable Specification, so you can configure Resource attributes using environment variables as well.

  • OTEL_SERVICE_NAME: The name of the application.

  • OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: A comma-separated list of key-value pairs to add to the Resource instance.

  • OTEL_RESOURCE_DISABLED_KEYS: A comma-separated list of keys to disable in the Resource instance.

When possible, we recommend using the Arconia-specific properties instead of the OpenTelemetry Java system properties since they offer a more consistent configuration experience familiar to Spring Boot users.

This support is especially useful during deployment, where you can use the same set of standard environment variables to configure OpenTelemetry across different languages and frameworks.

OpenTelemetry Java System Properties

Arconia supports the OpenTelemetry Java System Properties in alignment with the OpenTelemetry Java SDK Autoconfigure module. So you can configure Resource attributes using system properties as well.

  • The name of the application.

  • otel.resource.attributes: A comma-separated list of key-value pairs to add to the Resource instance.

  • otel.resource.disabled.keys: A comma-separated list of keys to disable in the Resource instance.

When possible, we recommend using the Arconia-specific properties instead of the OpenTelemetry Java system properties since they offer a more consistent configuration experience familiar to Spring Boot users.

This support is especially useful if you’re migrating from the OpenTelemetry-own Spring Boot Starter to Arconia OpenTelemetry, and you want to minimize the changes in your configuration.

Resource Contributors

A ResourceContributor is a component that contributes resource attributes to a Resource instance.

public interface ResourceContributor {

    void contribute(ResourceBuilder builder);


Arconia comes with a set of built-in resource contributors that automatically add common attributes.

Environment Resource Contributor

The EnvironmentResourceContributor contributes attributes to the Resource instance from the Spring environment and configuration properties, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • The name of the application as defined in the arconia.otel.resource.service-name property, or arconia.otel.resource.attributes, or If none of these properties are set, the default value is unknown_service:java.

  • service.namespace: The namespace of the application as defined in the arconia.otel.resource.attributes property, or If none of these properties are set, no value is added.

  • A unique identifier for the application instance as defined in the arconia.otel.resource.attributes property. If not set, the default value is a random UUIDv4.

  • The name of the web engine. It’s always Spring Boot.

  • webengine.version: The version of the web engine in use.

  • webengine.description: Additional description of the web engine.

Furthermore, any additional attribute defined in the arconia.otel.resource.attributes property will be added to the Resource instance.

This contributor is enabled by default. You can disable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: false
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Service Semantic Conventions and Resource WebEngine Semantic Conventions.

Build Resource Contributor

The BuildResourceContributor contributes build information to the Resource instance, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • service.version: The version of the application resolved from the artifact at build time. If not set, no value is added.

The information is extracted from the META-INF/ file generated by the Spring Boot Maven and Gradle plugins when the feature is enabled. In Gradle projects, you can enable it by adding the following configuration to your build.gradle file:

springBoot {
	buildInfo {
		excludes = ['time']
Find more information about the file in the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin Reference and Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference.

This contributor is enabled by default. You can disable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: false
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Service Semantic Conventions.

Host Resource Contributor

The HostResourceContributor contributes attributes to the Resource instance about the host the application is running on, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • host.arch: The CPU architecture of the host the application is running on.

  • The name of the host the application is running on.

This contributor is disabled by default. You can enable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: true
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Host Semantic Conventions.

Java Resource Contributor

The JavaResourceContributor contributes attributes to the Resource instance about the Java Runtime Environment the application is running on, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • process.runtime.description: Additional description about the Java Runtime Environment for the application process.

  • The name of the Java Runtime Environment for the application process.

  • process.runtime.version: The version of the Java Runtime Environment for the application process.

The information provided by this contributor is the same contributed to the Spring Boot Actuator /actuator/info endpoint under the java key. Refer to the Spring Boot Actuator documentation for more details.

This contributor is disabled by default. You can enable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: true
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Process Runtime Semantic Conventions.

OS Resource Contributor

The OsResourceContributor contributes attributes to the Resource instance about the operating system the application is running on, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • os.arch: The CPU architecture of the operating system the application is running on.

  • os.description: Additional description of the operating system the application is running on.

  • The name of the operating system the application is running on.

  • os.type: The type of the operating system the application is running on.

  • os.version: The version of the operating system the application is running on.

The information provided by this contributor is the same contributed to the Spring Boot Actuator /actuator/info endpoint under the os key. Refer to the Spring Boot Actuator documentation for more details.

This contributor is disabled by default. You can enable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: true
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource OS Semantic Conventions.

Process Resource Contributor

The ProcessResourceContributor contributes attributes to the Resource instance about the Java process, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • process.owner: The username of the user that owns the Java process.

  • process.parent_pid: The parent process ID of the Java process.

  • The process ID of the Java process.

The information provided by this contributor is the same contributed to the Spring Boot Actuator /actuator/info endpoint under the process key. Refer to the Spring Boot Actuator documentation for more details.

This contributor is disabled by default. You can enable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: true
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Process Semantic Conventions.

Container Resource Contributor (incubating)

This contributor provides attributes to the Resource instance about the OCI container the application is running in, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • The ID of the OCI container the application is running in, retrieved from the cgroup filesystem.

The information provided by this contributor is the same contributed by the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation via the ResourceProvider SPI. Refer to the OpenTelemetry Resource Providers documentation for more details.

This contributor is disabled by default. You can enable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: true
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Container Semantic Conventions.

HostId Resource Contributor (incubating)

This contributor provides attributes to the Resource instance about the host the application is running on, following the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions whenever possible.

  • The ID of the host the application is running on.

The information provided by this contributor is the same contributed by the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation via the ResourceProvider SPI. Refer to the OpenTelemetry Resource Providers documentation for more details.

This contributor is disabled by default. You can enable it via configuration properties.

          enabled: true
For additional information about the Semantic Conventions, check out the Resource Host Semantic Conventions.

Custom Resource Contributors

You can define custom ResourceContributor(s), register them as beans, and they will be automatically picked up by the autoconfiguration when building the final Resource instance.

When defining custom attributes, consider adopting the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions to ensure that your telemetry data is compatible with other systems and tools.

You can also use this API to adapt Resource or ResourceProvider implementations from the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation. For example, you can include resource attributes about AWS or GCP.

Configuration Beans

Besides the ResourceContributor API, you can further customize the auto-configured Resource instance via the SdkResourceBuilderCustomizer API.

public interface SdkResourceBuilderCustomizer {

    void customize(ResourceBuilder builder);


Disabling the Auto-Configuration

The auto-configuration provided by Arconia for the OpenTelemetry Resource is only enabled when the OpenTelemetry support is enabled (by default, it is).

If you define a custom Resource bean, the auto-configuration will back off, and your custom bean will be used instead.

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class MyResourceConfiguration {

    public Resource myResource() {
        return Resource.getDefault().toBuilder().put("custom-key", "custom-value").build();


You can also disable the auto-configuration entirely by excluding the io.arconia.opentelemetry.autoconfigure.sdk.resource.OpenTelemetryResourceAutoConfiguration class from the Spring Boot auto-configuration:

      - io.arconia.opentelemetry.autoconfigure.sdk.resource.OpenTelemetryResourceAutoConfiguration

The additional instrumentation provided by the OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation can be disabled via configuration properties.

        enabled: false